ryhope ca

Activities at the Centre

Regular Activities

Download current regular Activites leaflet here:

November 2024

Health and Fitness - Ryhope Community Centre have a varied program of health & fitness classes suitable for all ages, abilities and fitness levels with an aim to promote Health and Wellbeing via low cost accessible exercise within the community.

Classes/Groups include:

  • Active Forever (over 50's) - Monday
  • Cricket Practice [girls] (ages 6 - 9)  - Tuesday
  • Cricket Practice (ages 5 - 9)  - Friday
  • IT Hub - Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
  • JC Kickboxing - Monday & Wednesday
  • Kawauso Karate - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday
  • Keep Fit (over 50's) - Thursday
  • Men's Den (with carpet bowls) - Wednesday
  • MiniBallers Infant Football (18 month to 6 years) - Sunday
  • Pilates - Thursday
  • Slimming World (2 x Thursday evening & 2 x Saturday morning)
  • T'ai Chi - Wednesday (morning)

For the very young:

  • Baby Group - Monday (afternoon)
  • Toddler Groups - Monday (afternoon), Thursday (morning) and Friday (morning)

Baby & Toddler Groups

- by Ryhope Community Association

(term time only):

Our Baby & Toddler Groups run by Ryhope Community Association have restarted!

Thanks to all those that have been with us over this last year, it's been great fun and we hope you've enjoyed it, If you're off to pastures new we wish you well. If you're coming back to see us, great, we can't wait to catch up and see how much you're grown!!

Groups running are:

Monday Babies - 12:45 to 1:45 (birth to crawling)
Monday Toddlers - 2:00 to 3:00 (walking to 5)

Thursday Toddlers - start time of 9:00 to 10:30 (walking to 5)

Friday Toddlers - start time of 9:00 to 10:30 (walking to 5)

All groups have a limited number of places to ensure everyone's safety and not overcrowded.

To all those already registered, thank you and you'll have either had an email confirming your place (no need to register again) or to advise that we have received your registration and will be notified when space is available. Some groups are currently full. All those attending must pre-register and await confirmation of their place to attend. Thanks

If you would like to come along and join us please follow the link (or scan the QR code) to register your interest on our Waitlist for any of the groups.

There's only 1 form holding all information for all groups. The link/QR code takes you to a Google Form on a normal web page - you do not need to have a Google (or Facebook) account to use it.

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. As places become available on the Waitlist these will be emailed to registered applicants. Thank you

Register here: https://forms.gle/mS76TWqQRTX2DBa16

or scan the code - both take you to the Google form:

Cost: Suggested voluntary contribution for each child at each session is £2.50. You can pay cash at the event or via Bank Transfer - details in the registration form.

If you have a confirmed place and are unable to attend any session please ring the centre on 0191 523 9371; If you do not attend regularly then your place will be released unless you have been in contact with the centre to advise. All places released will be notified via email.

If you wish to withdraw your place or update your information after registering please let the centre know via email to ryhopeca@aol.com so we can release the place for others /update your information. Thank you

By registering you agree to abide by the Group Agreement Terms & Conditions: https://tinyurl.com/2p8crzcs. Please take a moment to read. Thank you

Next term events so like/follow our page to keep up to date with events.

These events are with thanks to funding and support from various sources, without it we could not run the groups so thanks to all our funders!
Thanks to #TheNationalLotteryCommunityFund #theNationalLotteryPlayers #FundedbyUKGovernment #SunderlandCityCouncil #LinksForLifeSunderland #PoweredByLevellingUp

Want to keep up-to-date with us at Ryhope Community Centre and see all our news? Follow our Facebook page:


You can see all our events here: https://tinyurl.com/ycavfpo6

As a charity we are supported by various sources including The National Lottery Community Fund, Sunderland City Council, Links for Life Sunderland, UK Government and Powered by Leveling Up.

Occasional Activities

Afternoon Teas


Date for your diaries:  Tuesday 18th March 2025

Our next Afternoon Tea is on Tuesday 18th March at Ryhope Community Centre, starting at 1pm to 3pm, with St. Patrick's Primary School providing the entertainment.

These are pre-book events and tickets are available from Ryhope Community Centre, with a suggested voluntary contribution of £5 per person. All contributions to be paid by noon on Friday 14 March to ensure your place.Either call in to collect your ticket or ring 0191 5239371 to book you place. (If there's no-one available to take your telephone call, leave us your name and telephone number on the answering machine and someone will get back to you).

All welcome, book your place now!

Do come along and join us, we'd love to see you.

Thanks to:

#TheNationalLotteryCommunityFund #FundedbyUKGovernment #SunderlandCityCouncil #LinksForLifeSunderland #PoweredByLevellingUp

Want to keep up-to-date with us at Ryhope Community Centre and see all our news? Like/Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RyhopeCommunityCentre

You can see all our events here: https://tinyurl.com/ycavfpo6

Ryhope Heritage Society

If you’ve got some free time every second Tuesday in the month, then why not come along and join our small friendly group that looks back over the history of Ryhope, Sunderland and the surrounding areas.

We share knowledge and stories of old Ryhope through films, slide shows and speakers all from our local area.  There’s something here to suit everyone.

Our past films have covered Sunderland in World War I, The History of Seaburn, Ryhope our Mining Village and lots more. We have had visiting speakers Phil Curtis and Sharon Vincent talking about old Sunderland with slide shows and Glenda Young, best selling local author.

We meet every second Tuesday of the month in Ryhope Community Centre on Black Road at 1:30pm in the downstairs hall, so come along and join us and enjoy a cup of tea after looking back over your local heritage.

Next open meeting:  11 March 2025

Why don't you come along and join us at Ryhope Heritage Society on Tuesday 11th March in Ryhope Community Centre to hear Glenda Young, bestselling author, giving us a fascinating illustrated talk on her new novel "The Toffee Factory Girls"?

Glenda's new novel is inspired by Horner's Toffee Factory and Dainty Dinah Toffee of Chester-Le-Street and set during WW1. Also available will be free bookmarks, postcards and toffees!

Ryhope Heritage are very proud to call Glenda a member of our Society who has given many talks and slide shows at our Heritage Group. Glenda's talks are always extremely popular with our members and visitors and as many of you know, she has based many of her novels around Ryhope.

Glenda will have her new book with her "The Toffee Factory Girls" so if you would like to buy a copy, she will also be very happy to sign it for you. If you have any questions you would like to ask, she would love to hear from you.

We have many talks and film shows about our local history with lots of archive photographs of Sunderland, Ryhope and surrounding areas.

Everyone welcome and if you wish, join our group, we'd love to have your company.

Make a date for your diary, join us and have a cup of tea afterwards.We'd love to see you.

Doors open 1pm and the event starts at 1.30pm until 3:30pm..

Cost £2 per person, per event.

For further information e-mail hello@ryhopeheritage.com

Want to keep up-to-date with us at Ryhope Community Centre and see all our news? Like/Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RyhopeCommunityCentre

You can see all our events here: https://tinyurl.com/ycavfpo6

Ryhope Community Association