Ryhope Community Association is a member of the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership and has been
actively lobbying to re-instate safe access to Ryhope Beach since 2007.
Ryhope Community Association in partnership with the DHCP have highlighted the issues of access along our stretch of coast and were delighted to hear that Sunderland City Council identified a pot of money to re-instate access at Ryhope Village. March 2011 saw the concrete steps being installed at Ryhope Village to allow the community of Ryhope to access their local coastline.

The DHCP (which Ryhope Community Association are an active partner) are hoping that eventually the whole stretch, including the cliff tops and beach, will be accessible to visitors, who will be able to enjoy picnics along the wild meadow land while taking in the beauty of the area and its magnificent wildlife. The Community Association has played an essential part in facilitating community consultation to feed into the overall coastal connection plan for the future, which was produced thanks to financial backing from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
The DHCP are currently awaiting the outcome of a further funding bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to start the work needed to improve access and link up coastal paths. Watch this space!
Ryhope’s old landfill site which was identified by Ryhope CA Development Committee (formally RDT) back in 2004 has been designated as a special site.
Responsibility for dealing with the site has been passed to the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency are continually monitoring the erosion of the cliffs to ensure that the Landfill does not breach the cliff face. The Environment Agency has identified 4 bodies whom may possibly be liable for the remedial work required to clean up the site. Negotiations are currently underway.